What does success mean to you? What does it take to be successful? How do you determine that you are successful?

I believe these victory statements (and many others) depict successes in their own right. To me, they show that the definition of success varies for each of us subject to our personal ambition and circumstances. Equally, the effort required to achieve these accomplishments differs from one person to another. Some may involve sacrifices to be made, call for endurance, hard work and responsibility; to name a few.
Hence, what determines the success for any given victory statement?
Your achievement is a success when it is your choice to achieve it and achieving it gives you fulfilment. In other words, you have sole custody for deciding to obtain this accomplishment. It is not someone else’s goal nor a mere comparison of what others have attained. This is because the critical success factors and key performance indices to measure the success of your achievement is unique to you, even if the goal may seem similar to others.
Thus, it is crucial that you set the right goals to work towards. That is, goals that align with your values, purpose, strength and vision. So that you have the autonomy to make decisions within your capacities and abilities. By all means, learn from others, emulate them and leverage their help. However, remain clear and undistracted of your own measure of success.
For example, if you aspire to be a prominent leader, aim to be the genuine leader that you already are. In her November 2020 interview on The David Rubenstein Show, Emma Walmsley, the CEO of GSK said, “Don’t aspire to be Emma Walmsley. Aspire to be the most exciting version of yourself.”
On that note, it is also important to remember that our measure of success is never an end state. It’s a constantly evolving journey as growth and circumstances shape and lift us to greater heights.
What does success look like to you? Drop me a comment below.
Want to determine your measure of success?